Another Great real time streaming server ArticleIn Case You've Read Otherwise, SmugMug Still Loves S3
Mon, 12 Mar 2007 17:01:00 -0400
Last Thursday night, I came across this article via the Storagezilla blog. Beth Pariseau wrote that Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) has had "performance and reliability issues serious enough" to prompt second thoughts among early adopters. In particular, SmugMug CEO Don MacAskill recently decided to move hot storage back in-house.
The instant I finishing reading the article, my RSS reader lit up with Don's response. He still loves Amazon, even if S3 hasn't solved the "speed of light problem". It takes at least 60-80ms for bytes of data to travel the distance between SmugMug's west coast location and Amazon's east coast data center. There's no getting around that. He moved hot storage closer to his web servers NOT to solve Amazon's performance problems, but to reduce those thousands of miles to inches. Don also tracked down the Storagezilla post and added a comment there.
Fast forward to this morning, when someone sent me a snippet from a Tier 1 Research news brief in which Dan Golding wrote about Amazon's disillusioned users. I gave Dan a hard time for basing his article on the same two customers Beth interviewed without giving her credit. Dan argued that attribution isn't customary in the analyst world. Besides, we shouldn't even be having this conversation. As a non-subscriber, I should have deleted any T1R content that came my way upon receipt.
Ironically, during his HostingCon presentation last year, T1R founder Andy Schoepfer's key message was "don't be an island". It's important for web hosting providers to connect customers to external ecosystems like eBay and Amazon, because no e-business can thrive in isolation. Given T1R's Hosting 2.0 advocacy, Dan's reaction seemed... Analyst 1.0-ish. But towards the end of our conversation, he did promise that an upgrade is on the way. As a point of reference, Burton Group, Dan's former employer, has a great blog that links to external sources. Same goes for Forrester. And at least 220 other research firms, including T1R parent company The 451 Group. Raven Zachary, who leads 451's open source practice, is even on Twitter!
Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox now and back to Amazon. I think every web hosting exec needs to read Don's blog post - along with Robert Cichon's post on customer satisfaction metrics. Robert said a hosting provider has done a good job if (a) the company gets written testimonials, (b) customers refer other customers because they're happy with service quality, and (c) customers defend the company against negative remarks. Amazon gets three points based on Don's reaction. What's your score?
Inside Web Hosting Reviews - Episode 152Mon, 12 May 2008 10:00:32 +0000
On today’s special edition of the Web Hosting Show we have in the studio Emory Rowland of Emory has been an insider in both the web hosting and web development worlds for a long time - so there are many topics I would like to pick his brain about. Today though we ...]
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The Hosting Express - Episode 147Mon, 07 Apr 2008 10:00:32 +0000
Here to help with you hosting needs no matter if you are a web host yourself, or only a user of the service that make the Web go around. Today’s show will be focused on some often ask for questions and services that people have request from me from time to time.
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hostgator is a privately owned company that was founded in the year 2002. Host
gator provides reseller web hosting and shared hosting solutions. The website is
instrumental in offering its services to over 400,000 websites on their shared
and reseller plans. It is a leading provider of reseller accounts and boasts of
over 10,000 resellers who have chosen
hostgator to provide the network, servers,
and support required to launch a hosting business. The company seemingly holds a
high rung and is well regarded in the web hosting community.
Host Gator
The company commenced its operation in 2002 and uses the Planet data center in
Dallas Texas. Their servers are dual Xeons with 4GB memory and IDE Raid hard
hostgator offers the following types of web hosting plans :
� Shared
� Reseller
� Dedicated
Shared Plans:
Customers have a many options to choose from under this plan and it comes with
the Cpanel control panel. Quality services and support is offered 24/7 via
phone, live chat, and an email ticket system. All their plans offer unlimited
domain names (except hatchling) as well as a lot of bandwidth and disk space.
Below are the options or plan categories available under this plan:
1. Hatchling:
Under this plan category, 50 GB of disk space and 200 GB of bandwidth is
offered. Other services include 20 sub domains, 20 FTP accounts, 20 POP3
accounts and 1 domain is also allowed. This service is priced at $6.95 a month;
that is charged annually.
2. Baby:
This plan category offers 100 GB of disk space and 1000 GB of bandwidth.
Moreover, it offers unlimited domains, sub domains, FTP accounts and POP3
accounts. This service is priced at $9.95 a month.
3. Swamp:
Under this category, customers get an access to 200 GB of disk space and 2000 GB
of bandwidth. The plan offers unlimited domains, sub domains, FTP accounts and
POP3 accounts. This service is priced at $14.95 per month.
4. Semi-Dedicated:
This plan category offers 25 GB of disk space and 500 GB of bandwidth. The plan
offers unlimited domains, sub domains, FTP accounts and POP3 accounts. This
service is priced at $74.95 per month.
Reseller Plans:
hostgator�s reseller hosting plans come with the Cpanel (your customers or
endusers control panel) and WHM (reseller control panels to create Cpanels for
your customers or end users) control panels.
hostgator resellers have the
flexibility to host unlimited sites. Quality services and support is offered
24/7 via phone, live chat, and an email ticket system. Besides offering
unlimited domain names; the reseller account also offers free domain registry
account (eNom domain reseller account), free hosting templates, a billing
program, and much more. Below are the options or plan categories available under
this plan:
1. Aluminum Reseller Plan:
Under this plan category, 12 GB of disk space and 125 GB of bandwidth is
provided. The plan offers unlimited domains, sub domains, FTP accounts and POP3
accounts. This service is priced at $24.95 per month.
2. Copper Reseller Plan:
The copper reseller plan offers its customers 20 GB of disk space and 175 GB of
bandwidth. The plan offers unlimited domains, sub domains, FTP accounts and POP3
accounts. This service is priced at $34.95 per month.
3. Silver Reseller Plan:
30 GB of disk space and 250 GB of bandwidth is offered under this particular
plan. The copper reseller plan offers its customers 20 GB of disk space and 175
GB of bandwidth. The plan offers unlimited domains, sub domains, FTP accounts
and POP3 accounts. This service is priced at $49.95 per month.
4. Gold Reseller Plan:
40 GB of disk space and 300 GB of bandwidth is offered under this plan category.
The plan offers unlimited domains, sub domains, FTP accounts and POP3 accounts.
This service is priced at $74.95 per month.
5. Diamond Reseller Plan:
50 GB of disk space and 350 GB of bandwidth is offered under this plan category.
The plan offers unlimited domains, sub domains, FTP accounts and POP3 accounts.
This service is priced at $99.95 per month.
Dedicated Plans:
The plan includes complete server management as well as a control panel with
every server. The best part of a dedicated server is that you can customize it
to suit your requirements and get the most out of the plan. Moreover, you get to
choose which operating system you want to run which include Red Hat Linux 9.0,
RHEL3, RHEL4, CentOS, or FreeBSD. Any aspect can also be upgraded such as memory
or disk drives. Below are the options or plan categories available under this
1. Basic Dedicated Plan:
There are no set up charges for this plan category and the processor provided is
Pentium 4, 2.8 GHz. The plan offers a bandwidth of 1500 GB and a hard drive of
80 GB, SATA. Upto 5 IP addresses are allowed and the plan offers unlimited
domains, sub domains, FTP accounts and POP3 accounts. This service is priced at
$174 per month.
2. Standard Dedicated Plan:
There are no set up charges for this plan category and the processor provided is
a Dual Xeon 2.4. The plan offers a bandwidth of 2500 GB and a hard drive of
2�80gb SATA. Upto 5 IP addresses are allowed and the plan offers unlimited
domains, sub domains, FTP accounts and POP3 accounts. This service is priced at
$219 per month.
3. Elite Dedicated Plan:
There are no set up charges for this plan category and the processor provided is
Dual Xeon 2.8. The plan offers a bandwidth of 2500 GB and a hard drive of 2�73gb
SCSI. Upto 5 IP addresses are allowed and the plan offers unlimited domains, sub
domains, FTP accounts and POP3 accounts. This service is priced at $279 per
4. Pro Dedicated Plan:
There are no set up charges for this plan category and the processor provided is
Dual-Core 3060 Conroe. The plan offers a bandwidth of 2500 GB and a hard drive
of 4�500gb SATA II RAID10. Upto 5 IP addresses are allowed and the plan offers
unlimited domains, sub domains, FTP accounts and POP3 accounts. This service is
priced at $374 per month.
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